Autumn is already here, days are shorter, cooler temperatures and return to routine can cause us to feel more tired and even sad ... the famous autumnal asthenia. This little setback, it is very easy to overcome if we do what we like and we keep time to take care of ourselves.

body treatment that revitalizes and stimulates our senses, transporting us to the most exotic corners of the world ... can be an excellent way to escape the monotony, while we care for and pamper. If such therapy also counts as star ingredients, coffee and chocolate, with energizing properties that stimulate good humor, the better.

In our Beauty Center  Club Buganvilla - Oasis Vital, we offer our Cappuccino Therapy that combines the aroma of coffee and chocolate creaminess. This wonderful duo, lift your mood, fight cellulite and rejuvenate your skin giving it greater strength and vitality.

Coffee properties were already known in ancient times, by African tribes, who after grinding coffee beans preparing a paste gave their warriors to increase strength. This natural product, topically, used to combat cellulite and provides a reducing effect. Helping to reduce volume and restores skin smoothness and youth.

Caffeine, one of the best natural anti-cellulite, helps break down fat cells, stimulates circulation and increases the levels of burning fat molecules. For this reason, many reducing gels include this ingredient between its components.

Coffee also contains phenolic acids, which fight free radicals that cause cellular aging favoring the elimination of toxins through its draining action.

The other star ingredient therapy cappuccino, chocolate is another great ally to bring benefits to our skin and is the best weapon to combat stress, anxiety or moodiness.

Cocoa, considered by the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, as "a gift of the gods" is currently used in body treatments for their cellulite, slimming, firming, rejuvenating and moisturizing properties.

Because of its high content of antioxidants, fights free radicals and promotes cellular oxygenation. It stimulates the natural development of collagen and elastic fibers reinforces that keep the skin and muscles tense.

Its rich in polyphenols (catechins, epicatechin and tannins all of the flavonoid family) helps reduce inflammation of the blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

Has energizing properties and caffeine containing stimulants such as theobromine, or theophylline, which make it a natural antidepressant.

Coffee and chocolate have reached the beauty centers around the world and there are now many who could not resist the temptation ... are you one of them? Come to our Beauty Center Club Buganvilla - Oasis Vital.