We live in a busy and bustling world with high noise, surrounded by asphalt and alienated from nature. These factors affect our physical and emotional state, in many cases causing imbalances and diseases.
Our body needs to find spaces that allow you to rest, places to facilitate calm and harmony ... to achieve, as far as possible, a physical and mental balance.
Nature awaits us with open arms putting within reach the many benefits that simply can contact her report to us!

This contact is essential to enjoy good health and directly influences our behavior, as is shown by different studies. Scientists at the Laboratory of Landscape and Health at the University of Illinois, in the United States, after more than a decade of research, have concluded that in areas where there are green spaces whether forests, gardens or pedestrian areas, people are more generous and sociable . There are strong ties of neighborliness, mutual trust more and more willing to help others.

The mere act of conducting a physical activity in the field or other comparable natural environment, increases the vitality of the people, they feel more alive and feeling well is greater. The sun and fresh air, help improve our physical capabilities and balance our emotional side.
Playing with our children in a natural area, it can be very beneficial to them, providing them with more security, improving self-esteem, while favoring their development.

Other studies suggest that direct contact with nature contributes to better intellectual performance, produce better cognitive functioning, and can enhance self-discipline and impulse control. On the contrary, those who do not live with nature tend to suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and anxiety disorders and depression. There are also scientific evidence of the existence of a correlation between the number of trees on where you live and the death rate from cardiovascular disease. Thus, more trees there is a lower mortality rate from this cause.
Green spaces, in short, are not mere landscapes, are key to promoting our health, welfare and intelligence elements.
In La Gomera, an island of protected natural areas can enjoy nature in its purest form.