Today we are going to explain to you what permaculture consists of, the association and rotation of crops and the holistic management, principles used in Eco Finca Tecina. These terms, which may be familiar to you, are now one of the latest innovations worldwide in terms of a sustainable way of cultivating, in harmony with nature, without using pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers.

We invite you to learn more about our principles for sustainable agriculture, a pioneer in the Canary Islands and La Gomera.

Permaculture is a system of habitat design that combines the observation of natural ecosystems, scientific knowledge and the ancestral wisdom of the people. It is based on three principles: care of the land, care of people and fair distribution of surpluses (everyone should not take more than they need).

In a habitat designed according to the principles of permaculture, the life of human beings is combined in a respectful and beneficial way with that of animals and plants without destroying, polluting or depleting natural resources and in this way providing the needs of all in a proper way.

Permaculture, takes advantage of all resources, excess or waste produced by plants, animals and human activities is used to benefit other parts of the system. Although it is based on ecological models, it creates a cultivated agriculture that allows to produce more food than those produced in nature.

This system emerged in the 70s as a response to the production model called "green revolution", a model of highly destructive intensive agriculture that became very popular after the Second World War. Its purpose was to increase crop yields by planting monocultures and using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that increase agricultural productivity in the short term but that do not last for long as they poison the land and water, reducing biodiversity , they deplete the soil and render it infertile.

The association of crops, is to associate the plants to help each other. We can associate grasses and legumes, fast and slow growing vegetables, etc. It is a practice known since ancient times and organic farming tries to recover traditional knowledge about plant associations.

The association presents multiple advantages against monoculture, it manages to improve the nutrients of our soil thus benefiting our crops.

Causes the emergence of beneficial insects such as pest and pollinator exterminators. Intercalating aromatic and medicinal plants in our crops can be very positive since their odors attract beneficial insects and repel those that are not.

Land, space and water are always better used in associated crops. Plants have a mutual beneficial action, some grow vertically, while others cover the ground, some have roots that sink deeply, while others expand their roots horizontally, those that harm the sun take advantage of the shade of those who need it. , that is, nothing is wasted, neither solar energy, nor earth, nor water.

The risks of bad harvests are reduced to the minimum, because if one of the species of the association grows badly because the year is unfavorable, the others will develop better

There is less invasion of unwanted plants or herbs (adventitious plants that we have not planted ourselves), since the soil is occupied in its entirety.

The rotation of crops, consists of alternating plants, but not in any way, but plants of different families with different energy needs. This practice is done to prevent the soil from running out and the plants get sick from certain diseases that usually last for a while. It functions as a biological engine driving a diverse flora and fauna of the soil.

The practice of monoculture or repetition of crops, during the last decades, in the same place over the years, has generated imbalances in the mineral composition of the soil and promotes the appearance of pests and diseases in certain families of plants.

Holistic management is based on the premise that human beings, their environment and their economy are an inseparable unit.

Its axis is the fertility of the soil, and to regenerate it we must learn to read the land and thus obtain the data with which to plan how to manage farm animals (which can bring health and well-being to the land), integrating them with crops and meadows , to repair water cycles and minerals. All this oriented to greater profitability and animal, vegetable and personal health that is achieved using grazing plans, financial plans taking into account the people and families involved. In Eco Finca Tecina, holistic management, gives us a methodology to make judicious decisions to achieve healthy food and sustainable exploitation of the land.